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Information & Media law

  • Criminal and civil procedures in all topics related to media law and for all means of communication and for all publication contents (offences provided for in the 1881 Press Act, defamation, libel, Privacy law litigation, breach of the presumption of innocence, right of publicity litigation, emergency procedures…)
  • European court proceedings: European court for Human Rights and European court of justice.
  • Procedures before the French Constitutional Counsel
  • Notification of unlawful contents
  • Advising companies, communities, and individuals who have been wronged by the content of a newspaper’s articles or any publication made public trough any other means of communication.
  • Advising websites, audiovisual companies, publishing houses with regard to information law and setting up preventive strategies.
  • Dealing with the right to reply and the right of correction, including on the Internet: in the press, the radio, in audiovisual programs...
  • Management of crisis situations in collaboration with specialized agency
  • Dealing with administrative bodies and enforcement authorities (CSA…)
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